Mar 14, 2025
HIM 4200 - Strategic, Organization, & Financial Management Prerequisite(s): HIT1200; HIM3200; HIM3700. Health care leaders must organize systems, lead, and influence people. At the same time, leaders must vision the big picture and adapt to change. Skills in personal leadership style, effective communication, strategic thinking and building alliances are explored. Techniques for team success, negotiation, facilitation, networking, consensus building, and benchmarking are discussed. Principles of management, power, politics, health policy making, regulation and conflict are examined. Practical applications of healthcare accounting and finance, including budgeting, forecasting, ratio and variance analysis, and procurement are detailed with current examples. Health care initiatives of EHR incentives, Meaningful Use, and ICD-10 implementation are considered from a financial perspective. Credit(s): 3 (3 plus 0)
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