Mar 14, 2025
HSC 2800 - Principles of Pharmacology Prerequisite(s): BIO 1000, HSC 1300, HSC 1400, and CH 1000 or equivalent.
Principles of Pharmacology provides an introductory study into pharmacological approaches to treating illness, injury, and disease. The principles of pharmacokinetics, such as the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of pharmacological agents through h1,1man physiology, are examined. In addition, the pharmacodynamics of pharmacological agents will be explored. This course is intended to introduce the student to physiologically-tailored medicine design and delivery and also to explain how medicine dosage is important to achieve specific physiological responses, in particular, to human health and prevention of illness and disease. This course focuses on pharmacological agents and their impact on human physiology. (3 credit hours). Credit(s): 3
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