Sep 18, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BIO 3230 - Ecology II (Molecular)

Prerequisite(s): ECOLOGY I, (BIO 3210  with FIELD WORK, BIO 3220 ); concurrent with ECOLOGY II FIELD WORK (BIO 3240 ).
ECOLOGY II complements the macro-biology approach of ECOLOGY I (BIO 3210), but turns the focus to the molecular practice of ecology. Retaining focus on inter- and intra-species interactions, submicroscopic exploration will deepen comprehension of ecological genetics, bioenergetics, and biogeochemistry. Continued collaboration with the regional community of soil scientists, land use experts, and wetlands developers will bring molecular applications into focus and provide a career network. 3 CREDITS; concurrent with ECOLOGY II FIELD WORK (BIO 3240) Credit(s): 3

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