Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Support Services

For Traditional Students


Indiana Tech provides peer-to-peer tutoring in various subjects at no cost to registered students. Students using the tutoring services are encouraged to bring their books, notes, and laptops (if needed) to their tutoring appointments. Students are invited to utilize the adjacent study room and work with a staff member to develop study strategies if needed. Tutoring appointments are available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday 3 to 9 p.m. The Tutoring Center is located in the Office of Student Success in the lower level of the Snyder Academic Center.

Library Services

The McMillen Library is located in the west wing of the Academic Center. It is named after Dale W. McMillen, who donated funds for the first library building on the campus in 1962. The two-story facility includes a main reading area, library offices, a virtual reality communication lab, a computer lab, and spaces for collaborative learning and private study. The Library houses Indiana Tech’s Writing Center. McMillen Library provides convenient access to resources and services for the teaching, learning, research, and work needs of students, faculty, and staff. The Library provides 117 databases, 551,147 eBooks, 142 print books,  228 print media titles, and 99,235 eJournals, 80,659 eVideos to support the academic programs. The Ray E. Broshar Career Resource Center, a collection of print books on cover letters, resumes, careers, and etiquette, and the SAMHSA grant Mental Health book collection are also housed in the library. Open seven days a week, professional librarians, library support staff, and student assistants are available to assist people via email, chat, text messaging, video conferencing, phone, and in-person. Reference services, research consultations, and library instruction help promote information literacy. 

For Evening and Online Students

Warrior Information Network

The Warrior Information Network consolidates administrative services into one convenient resource. A phone call to 888.832.4742 will take care of most of your needs at the university, including:

  • Registrations
  • Class withdrawals
  • Tuition payments
  • Updates of personal information (name, address, e-mail, shipping address, etc.)
  • Account questions (balances, payments, payment schedules)
  • General financial aid information
  • Degree audits

WIN representatives also can provide general information such as:

  • Directions to class locations
  • Information on schedules
  • Help accessing my.IndianaTech, Canvas or student email

There are three ways to contact the WIN:

  • E-mail:
  • Telephone: 888.832.4742, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday - Thursday; and 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, with the exception of holidays
  • Fax: 260.424.4831 or toll-free 888.832.4844


Indiana Tech provides tutoring through at no cost to the student. Please only access via Canvas. You will be asked to provide payment information if you attempt to access the website without going through Canvas. Each student is allotted 500 minutes of tutoring per semester. Should you require more minutes, email studentsuccess@ or contact your Student Success Advisor. For questions regarding tutoring, contact the Office of Student Success at 260.422.5561, ext. 2337.

For All Indiana Tech Students

Office of Student Success

Indiana Tech’s Office of Student Success (OSS) provides a comprehensive support system to guide students toward academic achievement, from admission all the way to graduation. This includes services like tutoring, academic skills workshops, and access to the Accessibility Services Department. A dedicated Student Success Advisor is assigned based on their major for both traditional and online undergraduate students. This advisor helps them navigate course registration and adjust to their time at Indiana Tech. You can find contact information for your advisor on our OSS webpage, on your WarriorsConnect dashboard, or on your degree audit.

In addition to course planning and registration, Student Success Advisors also provide support to students in the following areas:

  • Connecting to campus resources
  • Time management
  • Prioritization of tasks
  • Life balance
  • Stress management
  • Study skills
  • Primary learning preferences

Accessibility Services

(Formally known as Disability Services)

The Office of Accessibility Services provides reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities. We consider the eligibility of accommodations for students with disabilities under Section 504 and the ADA. Academic accommodations are granted to help ensure equal access, but they do not necessarily guarantee success. Students are responsible for self-disclosing their disability and need for academic accommodations to the Office of Accessibility Services.

Academic accommodations are not retroactive, so students are encouraged to meet with the Office of Accessibility Services early in their academic career at Indiana Tech.

The Office of Accessibility Services also offers temporary accommodations for students with a temporary disabling condition (6 months or less) resulting from injuries, surgery, or short-term medical conditions who may need accommodations or access to services and resources. Examples of temporary disabilities include broken limbs, hand injuries, and other short-term impairments after surgery or medical treatments. A cold, flu or other common illnesses usually will not qualify you for temporary accommodations. Students will need to work with each of their instructors independently.

Career Services

The Career Center prepares students and alumni for professional success by providing advising, programs, and activities related to career readiness. Services include skills/interests assessment and coaching, resume and cover letter reviews, internship and job search strategy guidance, and networking opportunities. All Tech students also have access to an online career management system called Handshake, where employment opportunities are posted, advising appointments are scheduled, and career events are publicized. Additional resources are always available on the Career Center’s website. For international students, career coaches help them gain appropriate authorization to work in the United States while supporting their career development.

One of the Career Center’s primary goals is to make career guidance accessible and convenient for all of Tech’s students. The Career Center’s team can work with students in person, virtually, or over email and at times that work for their schedules.

Visit, call 800.937.2448, ext. 2217, or email

Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services (ITS) is responsible for computers, printers/copiers, phones, wired/wireless networks, and classroom technology at all Indiana Tech sites. For the most current availability of services provided at Indiana Tech, please visit

  • IT Services public website:
  • Password Self-Service and 1-Click Apps (Single Sign-On):
  • Student Microsoft 365 services:

For assistance with technology, please contact the IT Service Desk at 260.399.2858 or 800.937.2448 ext. 2369.


Indiana Tech’s Let Me In service provides a dual purpose; 1. Password/Passphrase Self-Service, and 2. Single Sign-On (SSO) functions. The password/passphrase self-service offers a convenient means to change your password, unlock your Indiana Tech account, or reset your password/passphrase if forgotten. To switch to the 1-Click Application (SSO) portal, click Go to 1-Click Apps toward the top-right of the page.

The Single Sign-On (SSO) portal ( is a centralized location to access web applications across Indiana Tech without needing to enter a username/passphrase multiple times.  Once authenticated into Let Me In, the 1-Click App portal provides one-click access to other applications without additional login screens (if you have access to those applications).  For even more convenience, if you log into an Indiana Tech computer, an initial login to Let Me In is not required since you have already logged into the computer. To switch to the Indiana Tech Password/Passphrase Self-Service, click Manage your Account Settings toward the top-right of the page.

Indiana Tech’s Microsoft 365 Services

Indiana Tech provides software and cloud-based services to all students through a Microsoft 365 subscription. This subscription offers benefits that may be useful across all facets of your academic career. Please review the summary of services below to see how they can enhance your academic success at Indiana Tech.

  • Email/Calendar/Contacts: This will look very familiar if you have used Outlook. Nearly all the same functions are available, including scheduling meetings with other students for projects, keeping an address list of your contacts, and keeping your personal and class schedules readily available in one place. All these items will synchronize across your devices. 
  • Cloud Storage (OneDrive): OneDrive is a file hosting service providing the ability to upload files to cloud storage and then access them from a web browser or a local device with synchronization. In addition, this product allows users to keep the files private, share them with contacts, or make the files publicly available.
  • Microsoft 365 Online Applications: These are online versions of PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and OneNote. It provides an intelligent way to get work done outside of class with the essential functionality of the installed versions. Even better, with office web apps and OneDrive working together, you can work collaboratively with group projects since you can share these documents with classmates.
  • Microsoft 365: This is the complete set of software available to students in a class at Indiana Tech. With your Indiana Tech account, log into the Microsoft 365 website to download, and install the software on your personal computer. Students can install Microsoft applications on up to five devices. Licenses expire upon graduation or when classes are no longer active.

Campus Acceptable Use Computing Policy

Indiana Tech’s computer systems and network is a privilege and not a right. The network and computers owned or operated by Indiana Tech impose specific responsibilities and obligations subject to university policies and local, state, and federal laws. Acceptable use is always ethical, reflects academic honesty, shows restraint in the consumption of shared resources, and demonstrates respect for intellectual property, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, an individual’s rights to privacy, and freedom from intimidation and harassment.


In making acceptable use of resources, you must:

  • Use resources only for authorized purposes.
  • Protect your user ID and personal computer from unauthorized use. You are responsible for activities performed using your Indiana Tech user ID or that which originates from your personal computer.
  • Access only your information, that which is publicly available, or that to which you are authorized to access. 
  • Use only legal versions of copyrighted software in compliance with vendor license requirements.
  • Use only legally obtained versions of songs or movies downloaded or viewed from the internal network or internet.
  • Be considerate in your use of shared resources. Refrain from monopolizing systems, overloading networks with excessive data, degrading services, or wasting computer time, connect time, disk space, printer paper, manuals, or other resources.

In making acceptable use of resources, you must not:

  • Use another person’s computer, user ID, password, files, or data without permission.
  • Use computer programs to decode passwords or access control information.
  • Attempt to circumvent or subvert computer or network security measures.
  • Engage in any activity that might be purposefully harmful to systems or any information stored thereon, such as creating or propagating viruses, disrupting services, damaging files, or making unauthorized modifications to university data.
  • Use university systems or services for commercial or partisan political purposes.
  • Use university computers to engage in behavior perceived as hostile or harassing to others.
  • Make or use illegal copies of copyrighted materials or software, store such items on university systems, or transmit them over university networks, including peer-to-peer file-sharing services.
  • Use email or messaging services to harass or intimidate another person.
  • Waste computing or network resources, for example, by intentionally placing a program in an endless loop, printing excessive amounts of paper, or sending unsolicited mass mailings.
  • Use the university’s systems or networks for personal gain, including, but not limited to, selling access to your user ID or to university systems or networks or by performing work for profit with university resources in a manner not authorized by the university.
  • Engage in any other activity that does not comply with the above General Principles. 

Disciplinary Actions-Peer-to-Peer File Sharing of Copyrighted Works

Using peer-to-peer programs to share copyrighted files is an illegal activity that Indiana Tech takes seriously. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) take it seriously, and they continue to monitor and track down users who illegally download copyrighted works. Every year, notices are received detailing who has downloaded copyrighted works illegally from our campuses. Legal proceedings initiated by the RIAA or MPAA may occur against the individuals participating in this illegal activity. Please be aware that links to legitimate download sites are available from Indiana Tech’s Digital Copyright Compliance statement found at The university will take the following disciplinary actions to deal with these notices:

First Offense

  • Immediate suspension of network connectivity from the public network (residential/wireless)*
  • Meeting with the director of housing or student life official
  • Removal of the file-sharing application from the computer
  • A fee of $25 will be charged to the offender

*Network access is reinstituted upon approval from the Student Engagement leadership and removal of the file-sharing application.

Second Offense

  • Suspension of network connectivity from the public network for three months
  • Meeting with the director of housing or student life official
  • Removal of the file-sharing application
  • A fee of $50 will be charged to the offender

Third Offense

  • Suspension of network connectivity from the public network for nine months
  • Meeting with the director of housing or student life official
  • Removal of the file-sharing application
  • Disciplinary referral to the Student Conduct Committee
  • A fee of $75 will be charged to the offender


The university considers any violation of acceptable use principles or guidelines a severe offense and reserves the right to copy and examine any files or information resident on university systems or systems attached to the university network. Violators are subject to disciplinary action as prescribed in this student handbook. Offenders also may be prosecuted under laws including (but not limited to) the Communications Act of 1934 (amended), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, The Computer Virus Eradication Act of 1989, Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Information Disclaimer

Individuals using computer systems owned by Indiana Tech are subject to applicable laws and university policies. Indiana Tech disclaims any responsibility and warranties for information and materials residing on non-university systems or over publicly accessible networks. Such materials do not necessarily reflect the attitudes, opinions, or values of Indiana Tech, its faculty, staff, or students. These guidelines should not be construed as a limit on any individual’s right under the Constitution of the United States.

Writing Center

The Writing Center is a place where undergraduate and graduate students can get free support and feedback on writing and presentation assignments. We are not a drop-off editing service. Instead, we are here to work one-on-one with all writers at all proficiency levels for all courses. We help students at any stage of their writing process- brainstorming a topic, formatting a final draft, or practicing a PowerPoint delivery.  

Whether students take classes on an Indiana Tech campus or online, the Writing Center provides the following online services year-long for our undergraduate and graduate students: 

  • To book a slot, a student can upload their paper and get feedback within 24 hours. Connect with us through WConline. 
  • Students taking courses at campuses away from Fort Wayne or online may get free writing assistance from